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Products, We promise that we will continue make our utmost efforts to fulfill our obligations as a leading water-related business.

We appreciate your interest and love for Bokju Co., Ltd.
Since Our founding in 2009, Bokju has been devoted itself to only supplying clean, healthy, and sustainable water. We have been continuously developing new technologies to manufacture eco-friendly modern water tanks. We are now delighted to fulfill customers' expectations by accomplishing the development of <SPE Panel Lining>, <SPE Panel-combined type Reservoir> and <Internally and Externally Reinforced Cylindrical Water Tank>. Our <SPE Panel Lining> and <SPE Panel-combined type Reservoir> have been designated as outstanding procurement products, being widely recognized for their excellence. We are also honored to be selected as a [company to be supported for its overseas procurement market advance]. The existing STS cylindrical water tanks' major drawbacks were significantly improved; the <Internally and Externally Reinforced Cylindrical Water Tank> has been newly developed as a large capacity reservoir product, featuring safety against external environmental changes resulting from long-term exposure. We promise that we will continue our utmost efforts to fulfill our obligations as a leading water-related business.
Thank you.

Executives and employees of Bokju